The Princess Bride (1987) review
One of my favorite Movies when I was a kid. First movie I saw with Cary Elwes and Robin Wright. Seen each in at least 3 movies since. RIP Andre The Giant made this movie great as well. Still Entertaining!
The Lion King review
One of my favorite animated Movies Ever. The first role of Rowan Atkinson i ever saw (other than Mr. Bean). Some memorable 1-liners also. Who doesn't laugh at the Hulu dance scene?
Edward Scissorhands review
Most people know this movie was about the REAL LIFE relationship of Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder at the time. They broke up within a year after this movie was released. It is a decent movie to look back at, but both actors would be successful!
Toy Story 3 review
Really entertaining Sequel! RIP now to Ned Beatty (voice of Lotso). Enjoy the funny Mr. Potato Head 1-liners and adding Ken was good too!
Forrest Gump review
Not saying that Forrest Gump is bad, but somewhat Overrated! Forrest was on TV to meet 3 ex-Presidents and John Lennon and for running around the country. So, while waiting for a bus, shouldn't they know who he is??? There was alot of drama to me more than there was humor. Tom Hanks is admired for his many Roles, and this was no exception!!
Rocky III review
This was my FAVORITE of the Rocky Sequels! There would have NOT Been a Wrestlemania or WWF without this Movie happening FIRST! It was interesting to watch how a person CAN Be On Top of the World and in an instant...DROP to the bottom! Who didn't know Rocky would NOT win the re-match, but that doesn't hurt the movie at all!
The Karate Kid review
Was there any kid in the 1980's who didn't ENJOY this movie? The only thing some people HATED is Daniel having to fight 5 bullies at once, instead of it should be Johnny vs Daniel. A classic and it was amazing to see Mr. Miyagi at first being just an old man to...he can kick ass who Daniel NEEDS to listen to. Then you realize with the Cobra Kai series, WHO the REAL BULLY/Bad guy really is: John Kreese.
Problem Child 2 review
The first Problem Child was at least WATCHABLE. Some parts of the movie were Good. But, Problem Child 2, it SUCKED big time. You know a movie is BAD When other people say, Do not even bother. All respect to the late John Ritter. But, not even he could stop this movie from (bleep) the Bed! Rating it 0 stars out of 5 is showing respect!!
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace review
Depends on who you ask. The argument is which Superman was worse III or IV. I think that Superman III was better (not by a lot though). but when you heard Christopher Reeve said there will NEVER be another Superman Movie. There was some parts to save III from being a TOTAL Disaster. IV, sadly, could NOT BE SAVED! There is not one thing to blame. You just look from start to finish, IV (bleep) the bed. Superman I to III is worth watching again, not this one!
The Empire Strikes Back review
I enjoy the other Star Wars films (except Phantom Menace, the worst of them!) But this is the GREATEST of the Star Wars nine films. Not only alot of action and memorable moments in here. But the #1 shocking reveal in Movie History, "I am your father" Years later, it even shocked James Earl Jones.